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Natural Jade Ring
Jade is a silicate mineral combined with Calcium, magnesium or sodium aluminium. The silicate with calcium and magnesium variety is called “nephrite” and silicate with sodium and aluminium variety is called “jadeite”. Mostly,
Jade mostly can be seen as an ornamental gemstone. Jade is featured prominently in ancient Asian art. Green color jades are very popular since ancient time. Jade also has an important place in many other cultures such as China, Europe.
Jade is found colors such as Black, Green, Purple, Yellow, Blue, White, Red, Pink, Grey, Orange, Brown.
Jade can be found in China, Canada, Australia, Austria, Cuba, Germany, France, Italy, Japan, Myanmar, New Zealand, Poland, Russia, South Korea, Switzerland, Taiwan, Turkey, Ukraine, USA, Zimbabwe. Myanmar is a country of upwards of 70% of the world’s supply of high-quality jadeite.
¶ Luster: Vitreous, Waxy
¶ Crystal system: Monoclinic
¶ Chemical formula: Ca2(Mg,Fe)5Si8O22(OH)2 (Nephrite)
NaAlSi2O6 or Na(Al,Fe3+)Si2O6 (Jadeite)
¶ Hardness: 6 – 7
¶ Mineral class: Jadeite
¶ Transparency: Translucent, Opaque
¶ Optical properties: ( Nephrite) Double refractive with anomalous aggregate reaction. (Jadeite) Biaxial (+)
¶ Specific gravity: (Jadeite) 3.24 to 3.43
(Nephrite) 2.95 (+.15, -.05)
Healing Properties of Jade
Jade is called as a protective stone. Jade attracts good luck and friendship. Jade energy absorb power helps to connect with cosmic power. When you meditate, You will be able to connect with the stone vibrational energies to keep calm your mind and stay on spirituality. Jade keeps the wearer from harm and brings harmony. It stabilises the personality and promotes self-sufficiency. Jade is also an excellent stone for reenergizes chakra and chakra balancing. Its vibrational energies can soothes the mind, releasing negative thoughts.
Green color is very popular color variety of jade. Jade green color energies help to improve attraction and heart energies. Green jade stimulates and re-energizes the heart chakra. It also help to balance the body circulations and heart chakra energies within the human aura.