Ceylon Natural Chrysoberyl Crystal
Weight : 1.20 cts
Dimension : 5.8 x 6.7 x 3.1 mm
Veriety : Chrysoberyl
Type : Rare Crystal
Treatment : Unheated/ Natural
Shape : Natural formation
Color : Yellowish Green
Clarity : Very Very Slightly
Category : Rare
Origin : Sri Lanka 🇱🇰
Mining : Rakwana

An interesting feature of Chrysoberyl crystals is the cyclic twins called trillings. ( sixling ). It can be found only one among millions of gemstones.

Chrysoberyl crystal is very important healing crystal type who works with chrysoberyl for crystal therapy and crystal treatments. Because Its vibrational energies and other energies are higher than cut gemstones.

Twinned crystals have a hexagonal appearance. It is spread in six directions. It also can be seen twin orientations like “V”-shaped twin.

It is known as a hard and durable gem after Sapphire. Chrysoberyl is an orthorhombic crystal mineral with 3.5 – 3.84 specific gravity and 8.5 hardness according to the Mohs hardness scale. It is a Biaxial (+) mineral with refractive indexes nα=1.745 nβ=1.748 nγ=1.754.

Chrysoberyl can be found colours such as green, yellow, brownish to greenish-black, colourless, pale shades of yellow, greenish Yellow, Yellowish Green, Honey Brown, Reddish Brown, Orangy yellow, Greenish Brown, Blue.

Also, Golden Yellow Chrysoberyl is called “Ceylonese Chrysolite” as a trading name.

The Chrysoberyl Alexandrite is a colour change variety upon the nature of ambient lighting. It changes the colour green to brownish red or green to purplish-red in the incandescent light from a lamp or candle flame. However, Alexandrite’s good colour change stones are extremely rare. also, Chrysoberyl alexandrite can be found with a chatoyancy future. It is rare and expensive.

Also, Chrysoberyl can be found with the chatoyancy feature. Translucent yellowish chatoyant chrysoberyl is called as cymophane. Also, Chrysoberyl cat’s eye is found in colours such as yellowish-green, green, honey brown, grey.

The chrysoberyl gemstone or mineral can be found in Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, India, Madagascar, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Kazakhstan, Namibia, Myanmar, Mozambique, Norway, Russia, Spain, USA, Zambia.

Chrysoberyl alexandrite is the birthstone of the month June and it is the popular birthstone for celebrations such as weddings, anniversaries, graduations or birthdays.

Gemstones Properties
We must remember that the most powerful of all is our mind power. The use of gemstones in the chemical, wave and vibration energy of the gemstones can only be of some help to the well being of man. It is like a fence on the stairs. The stair fence is not essential for climbing stairs. But having a stair fence will make it easier to climb the stairs. That is also the case with using a gemstone. Almost every gem has its own vibrational and waves energy. also, the chemical properties of the gemstones are very special. Gemstones are used to cure diseases and to stimulate and balance the energy fields of the human body by the chemical composition and other energies of the gemstones.

Healing Properties of Chrysoberyl
Chrysoberyl is known as an effective and protective stone since ancient times. It transforms negative thoughts into positive energy.
Chrysoberyl gemstone or mineral is associated with wealth and creativity and promotes tolerance and harmony.
It stimulates the solar plexus and crown chakras. Chrysoberyl helps to open the crown chakra and increases both spiritual and personal power. Green chrysoberyl stimulates the healing of the physical heart.
Chrysoberyl stimulates the cleansing and balancing of the liver, kidneys, gall bladder and balances adrenaline and cholesterol and fortifies the chest and liver.

Chrysoberyl Cat’s eye increases the vibration of Ketu in the wearer according to the Astrology. It is known to reduce the malefic effects of ‘Ketu‘ and increase its beneficial qualities.