When you use gemstones, You should know about Crystal cleaning. It will help you to get best results.
There are a few methods to clean crystals and gemstones.
1. Cleaning and re-energizing with ocean energies
2. Cleaning and re-energizing with flowing water energies
3. Cleaning and re-energizing with earth energies
4. Cleaning and re-energizing with moon power
5. Cleaning and re-energizing with sun power
6. Cleaning and re-energizing with alpha power
Do you know? Flowing water has negative energy cleaning ability and that method has been using for ancient times such as yogis, crystal healers, people who wearing gemstones for healings.
Yogis mostly have been used by alpha power. People Who can’t handle alpha power, They had been used other methods of cleansing crystals and gemstones.
Mainly, Gemstones have 3 types of energies and healing powers