Collected Lead (Pb) Metal from gem bearing gravels – Melting just for fun Lead (Pb) Metal collected from gem mine. When we checked our mineral collection room, We found some old lead metal collection from the mineral bag. We separated lead (Pb) metal from other minerals. after, We melted that raw materials through the traditional blowing pipe system. We did it just for fun.

Lead is a chemical element with the symbol Pb and atomic number 82. It is a heavy metal. It has a silvery metallic lustre.
¶ Chemical Formula: Pb
¶ Melting point: 327.5 °C
¶ Atomic number: 82
¶ Crystal structure: face-centred cubic
¶ Electrical resistivity: 208 nΩ·m (at 20 °C)
¶ Magnetic ordering: diamagnetic
¶ Mohs hardness: 1.5
Lead (Pb) is mostly produced in China, Australia, India, United States, Peru, Mexico, Russia, Bolivia, Sweden, Turkey, Iran, Kazakhstan, Poland, South Africa, North Korea, Ireland, Macedonia.
Lead is used for car batteries, pigments, ammunition, cable sheathing, weights for lifting, weight belts for diving, lead crystal glass, radiation protection and store corrosive liquids.