Astrological science is one of the oldest subjects in the world. Spiritual sages of the past have provided knowledge to a modern generation in a scientific device or knowledge of other powers that humans simply cannot perceive.
Today, we are going to talk about planetary waves and gemstone energies. We all know that Vitamin D is also supplied to the human body by sunlight. The sun emits colour waves to the earth. Some variants of those light rays turn into energy and it shows that energies enter into the human body as chemicals. ( Chemical is only one thing, Lot of energy types work with the human physical body and astral body ) Then you can understand that waves from the sun and other planets can have an effect on man.
The next point is how the energy in the gem can be used to protect against harmful rays. I have mentioned in previous articles about the chemical, wave and vibration energies in the gemstones and crystals.
After analysing the energies of the planets and the gemstones, past spiritual sages have been recommended proper gemstones to use for each planet. The following gemstones are used for each planet

Sun is the signifier of health, self-confidence, assertiveness and independence. Padparadscha sapphire is the most beneficial gemstone for the sun.

Jupiter is the planet that governs good fortune, wealth and success. It also gives strength, vitality and immunity. Yellow Sapphire, which represents Jupiter, has many healing powers and thus improves one’s health.

Venus is a planet that symbolises love, romance, charm, beauty and controls the reproductive system. Diamond/White Sapphire, which represents Venus, helps enhance marital bliss, mental and physical purity and promotes happiness, wealth, artistic ability and creativity.

Mercury governs intelligence, commerce, investments, education and ability to handle things tactfully. Emerald/Green Zircon, the precious stones associated with Mercury, improves brain power and faculties associated with it.

Mars influences your drive to make a mark in life and the ability to take things over the finishing line. Experts believe that the red coloured Coral, the precious stone that represents Mars, instils courage in the person who wears it. It also ensures material pleasures.

Saturn is known to instil stability in life, bringing good reputation, success, and prosperity. Blue Sapphireassociated with Saturn, helps enhance wealth, health, happiness and prosperity.

Moon governs the mind, moods, emotions and contentment in life. Pearl/ Moonstone helps you improve your mental strength, popularity fortune and health.

Rahu’s positive effects include heightened awareness, detachment, popularity and self-fulfilment. The gem associated with Rahu is Hessonite, also known as Cinnamon stone. This gemstone helps defeat opponents, remove obstacles, and promotes peace of mind by removing mental stress.

Ketu is a planet of wisdom and aids the cultivation of spirituality. Cat’s eye, which represents Ketu, helps improve psychic and spiritual perception. Besides, it protects you from dangers and hidden enemies.