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Gem Blog

Gem Blog

Ceylon Natural White Sapphire Crystal

This is a Ceylon white sapphire crystal found from Alluvial Gem Deposit Ratnapura Sri Lanka. It is also a heating sapphire; it can be burn and turn to blue colour. Sapphire is a precious gemstone, a variety of the mineral corundum, consisting of aluminum oxide with trace amounts of elements such as iron, titanium, chromium, copper, or magnesium. Sapphire deposits are found in Eastern Australia, Thailand, Sri Lanka, China, […]

9 Gemstones Nawarathna

Navaratna is a Sanskrit compound word meaning “nine gems“. Jewelry created in this style has important cultural significance in Hinduism, Jainism, and Buddhism. Navaratna is a combination of nine precious gemstones, 01. Padparadscha Sapphire or Ruby 02. Diamond or white sapphire 03. Blue Sapphire 04. Yellow Sapphire 05. Emerald or green zircon 06. Red Coral […]

Sunset Padparadscha with Green Sapphire

Nice colors are a big dream when we work with gemstones. There is an unheated green sapphire and padparadscha sapphire from Sri Lanka and Madagascar. Dreams never end. When I saw both stones in the lot, I imagined. Beautiful sunset through the green forest Yellow Sapphire and Pink Sapphire can be seen in the market […]

Bi-color Sapphire – Wedding Stone

Yellow and blue colors are very interesting colors in the Sapphire family. Yellow Sapphire is yellow color variety of corundum Family and called as “pushparaga“. The names derived from Sinhalese Sanskrit word. Blue Sapphire is also a very valuable and popular stone in the corundum family. When Both colors have in one stone separately, It’s […]

Tigers Eye Bracelets

Tiger’s eye is a member of the quartz group, a chatoyant gemstone that is usually a metamorphic rock with a golden to red-brown color and a silky luster. It’s a silica mineral with chemical formula SiO2 ( Silicon Dioxide ). This chatoyant because of subparallel intergrowth of quartz crystals and altered amphibole fibres that mostly […]

Gemstones Cleansing by Natural Method

When you use gemstones, You should know about Crystal cleaning. It will help you to get best results. There are a few methods to clean crystals and gemstones. 1. Cleaning and re-energizing with ocean energies 2. Cleaning and re-energizing with flowing water energies 3. Cleaning and re-energizing with earth energies 4. Cleaning and re-energizing with […]

Zircon Heat Treatment Part (ii) – Traditional Oxireducing

We did zircon heat-treatment article before with traditional oxidising method. You can see that, We were able to get good yellow color from dark brownish purple zircon. In this time, We did oxireducing by using traditional method. That heating method has been using in Sri Lanka for 1000 years. Old businessmens say, their grand fathers […]

Traditional Gem Bearing Gravels Washing and Washing by Machines

Mining on the island of Sri Lanka goes back at least 2000 years. We have our own heritage in the mining arena. Our island is called Gem Island & also “Ratna Dweepa” because of the large variety of gems found here. Traditional gem mining methods have been using in Sri Lanka for 2000 years. Most […]


Fluorite is the mineral form of calcium fluoride, CaF₂. It’s a cubic crystal system mineral with 4 Mohs according to the Mohs hardness scale. It belongs to the halide minerals Fluorite is found in colors such as Green, Purple, Blue, Yellow, White, Black, Pink, Red, Brown, Orange. Pink, Blue and Color change fluorites are rare. […]

Madagascar Sapphire

Madagascar is an island country in the Indian Ocean, approximately 400 kilometers off the coast of East Africa. At 592,800 square kilometers, Madagascar is the world’s 2nd largest island country. Firstly, Sapphire deposits were found in Madagascar in 1998 it created a sensation in the gems world. The major sapphire deposits discovered in the tiny village […]