The World Top 10 Extremely Rarest Gemstone – Grandidierite
Colour : Bluish-Green
Shape : Oval
Weight : 1.36 ct
Dimension : 7.0mm x 6.2mm x 4.8 mm
Treatment : None/ Natural
( GIA Alumni Association MEMBER )

Extremely Rare Gemstone – Natural Grandidierite
Grandidierite is an extremely rare mineral and gem that was first discovered in 1902 in southern Madagascar. Grandidierite is nesosilicates mineral with the chemical formula (Mg, Fe2+)(Al, Fe3+)3(SiO4)(BO3)O2.

It is found colours such as Bluish-green, greenish-blue with 7½ hardness according to the more hardness scale. Grandidierite can be seen Vitreous, Pearly lustre stones with 2.98 – 2.99 Specific Gravity. This gemstone was named in honor of French explorer Alfred Grandidier who studied the natural history of Madagascar. He is a French explorer and Naturalist. Grandidierite has very strong dispersion and Visible Pleochroism, It is a Nesosilicates orthorhombic Mineral with Biaxial (-) Optical Properties.

Inside of grandidierite mostly can be seen very perfect cleavages. As an optical properties, it has a 1.583 – 1.639 refractive index. Grandidierite can be found in India, Germany, Denmark, Malawi, Namibia, India, Norway, and Sri Lanka. Grandidierite’s main source is Madagascar.
Healing Properties of Grandidierite
Grandidierite is a blue gemstone that promotes spiritual awakening, peace, and tranquillity and can encourage you to communicate in a calm and clear manner.